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Voter’s Bill of Rights

Courtesy of Nevada Disability Advocacy and Law Center

  1. You have the right to vote even if you have a guardian – unless a judge has said you cannot.
  2. You have the right to vote even if you need help reading or filling out the ballot.
  3. You have the right to vote if you live in a group home.
  4. You have the right to ask for help from elections staff, family, or a friend.
  5. You have the right to be told if you are registered to vote.
  6. You have the right to choose what party you want to join.
  7. You have the right to have your vote be secret.
  8. You do not have to tell anyone how you voted.
  9. You have the right to vote for the person you want.
  10. You have the right to vote ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on any issue.
  11. You have the right to leave some choices blank.
  12. You have the right to get a new ballot if you make a mistake on your ballot.
  13. You have the right to use a signature stamp if you cannot sign your name.
  14. You have the right to ask someone to show you how to use the voting machine if you don’t know how.
  15. You have the right to request a provisional ballot if there is a possible problem with your registration/or qualification to vote.


Click here for more voter resources. 

Contact NDALC at 702-257-8150 or 888-349-3843 if you have questions about your voting rights!